





At the "Landscapes Exhibition coming up in MAY 2025 at the Federation of Canadian Artists (FCA) I have - as a juror - entered one of my earlier works "RED CLIFFS" 40x40" acrylic mixed Media on Canvas. Come and have a gander.., there is sure to be an interesting compilation of well established – and up and coming artists -showing their latest creations.


I wish All of You a "MERRY CHRISTMAS/HANUKKAH" and a


...and an odd Year is has been.., leaving COVIED behind only to jump head first into political turmoil.

Not only from our good neighbour to the south but in our own cherished realm. Lets hope everyone - starting with our leaders - keep a cool head and get things sorted out in an orderly manner.

Inspite of all of this I hope YOU had a fruitful year and wish you the same for the coming one.

Above all "STAY POSITIVE" and "HEALTHY"!!





Having being selected "ARTIST OF THE MONTH" for the month of June 2024, I will have a display of 7 pieces of my work in the window at the FCA (Federation of Canadian Artists) on Granville Island in Vancouver. The three landscapes "UP HIGH" - "VISTA" and "FROM BEGINNING TO END" as well as four smaller abstracts "HIGH NOON" - RED ANEMONE" - "THREADS" and "FLECKS OF GOLD" are currently also shown in the PORTFOLIO of this website under LANDSCAPE (3) and SEMI-ABSTRACT (4)..........Come and visit the FCA to check out the talents of our local Artists


Spring has sprung and - if you are and artist - all of your creative juices are flowing once more.

With Covied on the sidelines now, and in spite of an uncertain political landscape at home or abroad, we can all look forward to better days ahead.

As a part of a jurying committee with the FCA, I gained an insight into the direction and development of the recent local art scene. Judging by the quality of work that was submitted, it is quite obvious, that most of you have not been sitting idle during the past few months and years.

So keep up the good work and stay safe..!



Another Year is drawing to a close. I hope it has been a good one for you.

No one knows, what 2024 will bring - but I am sure, a wish for PEACE would be on everyone's list of priorities. If good HEALTH and PROSPERITY can be thrown into the mix, so much the better.

So, to everyone out there....

Have a "MERRY CHRISTMAS" and a very "HAPPY NEW YEAR !!"





I hope, All of You have made it this far in good Health and will be able to get back to the life we once knew. Things may never be quite the same, certainly for some of us, but with a healthy dose of optimism we can only hope for better times ahead. So keep that stiff upper lip don't get down on yourself and/or others...! "STAY HEALTHY and have ..!"


" a HAPPY and a HEALTHY NEW YEAR 2023"

The events of "2021/2", that most - if not all of us - are happy to leave behind may well spill into 2023, if the Virus - and its offsprings - have anything to say about it...

So, keep with the protocol and we'll beat this thing, hopefully sooner rather than later.

all the best...!





Since OCTOBER 2019 I have a renewed presence on VANCOUVER ISLAND at the AQUAMARIS ART GALLERY in DUNCAN. This quaint Gallery is located at 330, Duncan Street in Suite #202 towards the rear of the building. "Go have a look..!" .............................................................................................................................

The October Show is now over and I saw many new faces at the INTERNATIONAL ARTS ACADEMY in West Point Grey at 4548 West 10th Vancouver. The reception was held on October 18th from 6 to 8 pm at the Academy


I have recently signed up with "THE KUBE GALLERY" IN FORT LANGLEY BC - You will find some of my work in the Gallery on 23295, MAVIS AVENUE - or on their website:



A competition that was sponsored by the Canadian Youth Arts Development Foundation, the Canadian Youth Mutual Aid Association and the Organizing Committee of the 3rd Youth World Cup Live Painting Competion. It also received the support of UNICEF Canada.

The event took place in Richmond 5631 No. 3 Road at the Richmond Olympic Oval - followed by the Awards and Closing Ceremony on August 18th, at the River Rock Theatre.


Two more of my works have found their way into two TV Productions, one the Hallmark Channel the other on then Gospel Network which was aired around Christmas.


" IMMERSED", achieved an AWARD OF MERIT at SCA's 43rd JURIED EXHIBITION at the Todmorden Mills "PAPERMILL GALLERY" in Toronto.


The release for my painting "Melee" was granted to Warner Brothers and was subsequently used on the set as props/set dressing in the Television Series "FRINGE" that aired in November on the Fox Network






